Caxton Legal Centre welcomes the Queensland Government’s financial commitment to implement a Human Rights Act in Queensland

The Caxton Legal Centre building with the sign

The $2.5 million dollars allocated to the Anti Discrimination Commission Queensland is a great start to this important reform. Those funds will assist in the Act’s administration and operation once it is, in fact, passed. A Human Rights Act will be an important piece of legislation to protect the rights of all Queenslanders, especially those … Continue reading Caxton Legal Centre welcomes the Queensland Government’s financial commitment to implement a Human Rights Act in Queensland

Submission to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 Review

young parents and their children looking away from the camera

Introduction This submission is informed by the experience of our lawyers and social workers who have worked in domestic violence matters on behalf of both victims and perpetrators, including in the area of elder abuse.[1]  We would be happy to expand upon the ideas ventilated in this submission should that be considered desirable. 1.            Is the … Continue reading Submission to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 Review