Caxton Legal Centre appoints new CEO

Following a national recruitment search, Caxton Legal Centre is delighted to announce the appointment of Cybele Koning as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1 July, 2019.

Cybele previously held the position of Caxton’s Director, Family Law, Domestic Violence and Elder Law Practice and has been working with Caxton for 7 years. Prior to that, Cybele was a senior lawyer in private practice and a mediator.

Announcing the appointment, Caxton Legal Centre President Dan Rogers said, “Cybele is a highly respected and experienced lawyer whose passion, integrity and strategic thinking will bring a whole new level of innovation and influence to the way Caxton assists its clients and the way it partners with community, business and government to deliver its services.”

Cybele is a trusted leader whose honesty, fearlessness and empathy is perfect for Caxton to continue its strong reputation in the community.  Cybele has the unwavering support of Caxton’s staff and its Management Committee who are ready to focus on Caxton’s renewed goals over the next three to five years,” said Dan. 

Reflecting on her appointment, Cybele said, I am honoured and excited to have been selected to lead this wonderful team of people. 

“It’s easy to sing the praises of our front desk staff answering the phones, our administrative staff providing every day supports, our volunteers giving of their time and our lawyers and social workers providing assistance and supports to people whose disadvantage disconnects them from asserting their legal rights.  We already have high standards for ourselves to make Caxton the best place it can be for its clients and for each other.”  

As CEO, I will continue to act as a role model to encourage and facilitate our staff to go one step further and be ‘thought leaders’ in all the work they do, said Cybele. 

Justice means something different to each person seeking it. For some it is having basic rights upheld and needs met. For others it means compensation or fairness. For families it can mean restoration of relationships. For anyone who has ever experienced multiple disadvantages or discrimination, it means overcoming those barriers and finally having their voices heard.” 

I feel very strongly about Caxton moving forward with the right strategic mix of diverse legal and support services to deliver justice for individual clients, advocacy action to change unfair laws and policies, and community education to inform Queenslanders of their rights.” 

“We will take the initiative to do this work with intentional and respectful partnerships but at the same time remain fiercely independent to call out the systemic injustices we see,” said Cybele. 

Caxton’s executive team includes Deborah Ferguson, Chief Operations Officer, Bridget Burton, Director, Human Rights and Civil Law Practice, Klaire Coles, Director, Coronial and Custodial Justice Practice and Helen Wallace, Senior Social Worker. 

Commenting on Cybele’s appointment, Deborah said, “This is a highly collaborative leadership team. With Cybele being appointed CEO, we are all very excited at what we can achieve together.” 

Caxton Legal Centre is Queensland’s largest community legal centre providing almost six thousand people with free legal advice and assistance each year.