Eligibility Criteria
Legal assistance and social work supports are available across a range of areas of law. Eligibility criteria, including income limits, apply to most programs.
Legal assistance and social work supports are available across a range of areas of law. Eligibility criteria, including income limits, apply to most programs.
The Human Rights and Civil Law Practice can assist with many types of legal problems such as discrimination, sexual harassment, minor criminal law, human rights, car accidents (property damage, uninsured drivers), traffic offences and fines, victims of crime, privacy complaints, and more.
The Seniors Legal and Support Service provides free legal and social work support for seniors experiencing elder abuse, mistreatment or financial exploitation.
Caxton’s Family Law Service can assist with matters related to relationship breakdown and children.
The Employment Law Service can give advice in relation to unfair, unlawful and constructive dismissal, workplace bullying and discrimination.
Caxton has a specialist Consumer Credit Law Service that focuses on consumer debt.
Information and legal assistance for residents and prospective residents of retirement villages and manufactured home parks in Queensland.
Read more Queensland Retirement Village and Park Advice Service
What does the Disaster Recovery and Preparedness Service do? This service provides specialist legal advice, assistance and social work support to people who have been affected by natural disasters generally and, in particular, the February 2022 rain and flood event. We can assist with problems directly connected to the natural disaster, such as problems with…
The Queensland Coronial Legal Service provides legal advice, representation and referrals in relation to the coronial process.
Short-term social work assistance may be provided to clients of the centre by way of counselling and referrals to community agencies and resources.
We provide free legal advice, representation and social work support for people experiencing sexual harassment or discrimination and for people who have been accused of sexual harassment or discrimination.
Read more Queensland (Workplace) Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Service
How can the Financial Protections Service help me? The community worker can have a chat with you about protecting your finances in later life. This service is free. You can make an appointment with the community worker to give information sessions at outreach locations and set up a ‘chat space’ afterwards. Information for individuals can…
Before your appointment To make an appointment, you will need to provide your name and the full name of the person who is on the other side of your legal matter. We cannot give you legal advice without it. This is in order for us to check for a potential conflict of interest. If your…
The Multicultural Advocacy and Legal Service (MALS) is a free and confidential legal and advocacy service for people in the Brisbane region from multicultural backgrounds whose mental health is impacted by legal challenges. MALS is a health justice partnership between Caxton Legal Centre Inc. and World Wellness Group. It brings together lawyers, advocates and health professionals to achieve…