Caxton is delivering services remotely

The Caxton Legal Centre building with the sign

In response to the escalation of public health measures to slow the spread and impact of COVID-19, Caxton Legal Centre’s building is closed.   

We continue to deliver services by telephone with staff working remotely. 

Client services is able to provide you with legal information and referrals, and make a telephone appointment. 

Our lawyers and social workers are still providing legal assistance and social work supports to clients in all our programs via phone, email and videoconferencing.

Centre management will continue to monitor developments in the COVID-19 response and advise when doors reopen.

If you need to speak to any of our staff, please call the centre on (07) 3214 6333.  Caxton is currently receiving a high volume of calls, so callers are asked to hang up and try again if we are unable to answer your call in the first instance.

Caxton Legal Centre has published the following legal information factsheets:

And the following COVID-19 legal information videos: