Caxton Legal Centre Covid-19 service update

reception desk at Caxton Legal Centre

From 25 May 2020 Caxton Legal Centre’s front office is open to walk-ins who will be assessed for face-to-face service delivery or a phone service.

With the easing of restrictions Caxton staff can now provide a mix of remote service delivery, office-based services and limited face-to-face services.

Limited face-to-face legal advice and social work services will be available for priority clients in most of Caxton Legal Centre’s program areas including the Seniors Legal and Support Service, Bail Support Program and the Older Persons Advocacy and Legal Service.

Evening advice services are cancelled for the period 17 March to 10 July 2020 with the exception of a gradual reintroduction of employment, family and criminal law volunteer services.

Caxton Legal Centre’s phone line is open as per usual on (07) 3214 6333.