Caxton Legal Centre strongly supports the Human Rights Bill which was introduced into Queensland Parliament today.
“We congratulate the Government on introducing this important reform. The Bill is modelled on the Victorian Charter of Human Rights but has significant improvements including a complaints process,” said Dan Rogers, Secretary of Caxton Legal Centre.
“A Human Rights Act will create a fairer Queensland by requiring Government to consider human rights when laws and policies are developed and when decisions about individuals are made. The practical and accessible complaints process will ensure that Government decision makers are held to account when the human rights of Queenslanders are infringed,” he said.
“A Parliamentary committee process will now be held and we encourage the Queensland community to participate to ensure that all members of parliament understand the importance of this reform for our State.”
Caxton Legal Centre has been part of the campaign advocating for the introduction of a Human Rights Act in Queensland since 2015.
Contact: Dan Rogers, Secretary, Caxton Legal Centre 0422 292 082